"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet"
Albert Einstein

Thursday, 27 September 2012

What i dont miss

I had to laugh last night whilst cooking dinner at home, both my wife and I were home late and needed a quick feed, my wife was spellbound for a few minutes hanging off the pantry and fridge doors searching for inspiration, Unfortunately she succumbed to that corner stone of today’s culture- convenience food and she proceeded to unwrap a prerolled frozen sausage roll from the freezer.

I’m not going to lie I was jealous the pantry was bare and there was little to work with, but with the absence of a microwave I knew her gut filler was a while away…

I found a tetra carton of firm tofu and a half a fresh pineapple and combined it with some curry paste, herbs and a can of chickpeas it was a heat and eat scenario at last minute i threw in some questionable vegies saved from the back of the fridge and I was in… yum

20mins later as im taking out my dishes, a horrible stench engulfed the kitchen.
Hunny, your dinners ready

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